About Life Long Learning

Your education doesn’t end when you graduate.

Life Long Learning is defined as

” the provision or use of both formal and informal learning opportunities throughout people’s lives in order to foster the continuous development and improvement of the knowledge and skills needed for employment and personal fulfillment.”

 – dictionary.com

 In today’s rapidly changing world, we need to always be learning, always seeing what’s out there. This blog is for you – students and life long learners to share what you discover.

What do you find helpful? insightful? interesting? What surprises you? What’s new? What’s next?

Topics should be related to Project Management, whether directly or through a case study or use case in another field (like Science), or something inspirational.

Write a brief description of why you are sharing this information. Be sure to tag your posts so others can find them.

You can also write articles assimilating multiple perspectives and sharing the insights you’ve gained.

The goal of this blog is to instill a love of learning, a curiosity for what’s out there and figuring out what it means.


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