Technology is everywhere- but when people think of the food industry they don’t associate technology with it. There are several examples of how we use technology in the food industry today. The use of robotics and machinery has heavily grown, and they assure quality and affordability. Robotic machines also help eliminate safety issues for dangerous jobs, like for example, cutting meats. Robots also save expenses on labor costs. Recently, companies have been trying to 3D print food, for example, NASA has 3D printed a pizza. The main goals of 3D printing is to try and 3D print soft foods for people who are unable to eat hard foods. Packaging and waste are also advancing in technology. With the help of technology, we will reduce waste. Like there is edible packaging, micro packaging, and even bacteria fighting packaging. In some cases, drones are also being used. Such cases are in agriculture, use of planting, watering, spreading fertilizer, and much more. Technology really is evolving in the food industry and helps us to be more efficient.



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