URL: https://www.cnet.com/how-to/facial-recognition-apple-amazon-google-and-the-race-for-your-face-facebook/

Facial recognition is an ever growing tool being used by developers to gain access to phones and other technology. As cool as it sounds, it has quite a few implications that can be quite useful. For instance, future advancements can allow law enforcement to scan a crowd of people and find their person of interest. But at the same time it raises concerns. Maybe the algorithm that found the assailant actually turns out to be the wrong guy. Facial recognition works by capturing either a 2D or 3D (depending on the camera) image of your face and takes the distance between major facial features and compares the image with other known images in a database. Appleā€™s 3D FaceiD works by using 30,000 infrared dots that maps the contours of your face and remembers the relative location of the dots when the user unlocks the phone. The Chinese government is using facial recognition software, placed in all CCTV cameras, to monitor the lives of all citizens and to catch criminals.


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