Nvidia AI sketching

The article which can be found herehttps://techcrunch.com/2019/03/18/nvidia-ai-turns-sketches-into-photorealistic-landscapes-in-seconds/ Tech Crunch has a very interesting article on a new Artificial Intelligence software developed by Nvidia. Called gauGAN, this neural network is able to create realistic looking scenery based on an input by the user. The user is given environment as paint blots. Read more…

Airport security already using/testing facial recognition at the gates

Link: https://www.cnet.com/news/facial-recognition-can-speed-you-through-airport-security-but-theres-a-cost/ So some airports have begun using facial recognition as a substitute for passports for international travelers, but there was no time period for the public to learn about and judge this change. Many are questioning how legal it is, as it is a big privacy issue, due to Read more…